Martin McGuinness Peace Foundation 2023 Annual Dinner

The second annual Martin McGuinness Peace Foundation Dinner, Manhattan Manor on April 4th, 2023

Martin’s good friend and partner in Sinn Fein, Gerry Adams gave the keynote address at the second annual dinner of the Martin McGuinness Peace Foundation in NYC. The night opened with a video commemorating the life of Rita O’Hare. Many recognized the work of Rita at the dinner and Gerry Adams dedicated his remarks to Rita’s memory, as he did the night before at Cooper Union. Congressman Richie Neal introduced his friend Gerry Adams. Congressman Neal reflected upon when he first met Gerry Adams and the Congressman’s first trip to the North of Ireland during Troubles. During this trip when he was leading a congressional delegation, they were stopped and removed from their bus as British soldiers searched the bus and the Congressmen. He mentioned that the life’s work of Martin and Gerry over the decades during the Troubles culminated in the Good Friday Agreement. While not perfect, the Good Friday Agreement has changed the political landscape and brought peace to the region. Today when you travel to the North, the only indication is a ding on your phone. That is because of people like Martin and Gerry not only fought for peace, but fought to maintain it. NYS Senator Tim Kennedy and former Congressman Tom Suozzi also attended the dinner.

Gerry Adams shared very personal stories of his friend Martin to a packed audience. He spoke of when he first met Martin in his early twenties. He talked about the great sense Martin had and his ability to befriend Ian Paisley. Martin loved sports, all sports, it didn’t matter the culture or country, he just loved competition. He spoke to Martin’s character and gave the example of how Martin, when he was very sick and weak and had to step down as Deputy First Minister, insisted that he make the trip to visit Arlene Foster and convey to her personally that he was stepping down. Gerry advised Martin that that wouldn’t be necessary and he could call or send a note, but Martin insisted. That was the person that Martin was. He told the audience how deeply Martin loved his family. Martin’s wife Bernie and son Emmett were at the inaugural MMPF dinner. Gerry spoke yearningly of how he missed both Martin and Rita. There were many that attended the dinner that had never seen Gerry before and were moved by his heartfelt stories of his friendship with Martin.

Gerry reminisced about his friend for more than 30 minutes and there wasn’t so much as a whisper to be heard in the packed room. He closed by reading a poem Martin had written for his friend Jamesie:

For Jamesie By Martin McGuinness

Have you ever seen a Manhattan sunset

from the window of an Aer Lingus jet?

Gloriously crimson

It was, blackening awesome

Skyscrapers Slipping towards Montana far away

From Bloody Foreland.


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25th Anniversary, Good Friday Agreement. Cooper Union, April 4: Album 1